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While we are not using it as our primary reading curriculum, I can easily see how it could be used that way with more parent interaction. During a 20 minute session my kids can usually get 2-3 lessons done at a time, keep in mind they are doing materials that are review for them because of their poor spelling skills. I’m actually glad this happened to him because he’s being forced to reread and make sure he knows the answer before he continues on. Nothing makes him more upset than to be taught a lesson a second time. On a supported Android tablet, open the Chrome browser app and go to
In a previous leadership position, she had provided her teachers with LETRS and was thrilled with the results. Years later, at a new school, she implemented it again with the same fantastic results. Achievement certificates are earned when students complete levels. These are an opportunity to celebrate success and talk about newly-gained skills.
Lexia Reading for homeschool
The recommended weekly minutes for students in Grades PreK-5 are based on the student’s current Performance Predictor category. Students in grades 6 through 12 who are enrolled in Core5 have a target of 100 mins/wk. Students with a grade of “Other” who are enrolled in Core5 have a target of 60 mins/week. Students log in by entering a Username and Password and then clicking the arrow button .
Administrators can see a full picture of academic progress across a district, school, grade, and class, down to the individual student in just minutes, through easy-to-interpret, actionable reports. Over the last five years, Lexia has helped bring actionable student performance data to iPhone, introduced Core5 for iPad users, and launched on Apple Watch. Lexia Learning, a Rosetta Stone company, empowers educators through adaptive assessment and personalized instruction. Lexia Reading Core5, a technology-based reading program designed for pre-K through fifth grade, is now available as an Android app. Downloadable from the Google Play store, the new app allows students to use Lexia Reading Core5 on phones and tablets running Android 2.3 and higher. Lexia® Core5® Reading is an adaptive blended learning program that accelerates the development of literacy skills for students of all abilities, helping them make that critical shift from learning to read to reading to learn.
Core5 Enhances Reading Growth in Students with Disabilities
I like the personal interaction of All About Reading. Lexia is going to be very good for a Mom who is feeling hesitant about teaching reading, and it’s going to work very well for kids who enjoy learning through technology. The full program also provides educators with ongoing student data and the appropriate resources to address each student’s needs.

Lexia Lessons and Lexia Skill Builders provide opportunity for use of multi-sensory techniques that are helpful for students with dyslexia to remember and apply the skills being presented and reviewed. The percent of students working in or above grade level in Core5 more than doubled, increasing from 40% to 99% in less than one school year. All edtech is not created equal, as Principal Alexandra Prieto learned. She had been using literacy technology for her students but was unhappy with the results. She switched to Core5® and found it benefitted her native English speakers and her Emergent Bilinguals. Principal Regina Teat of Maryland had years of experience with LETRS® professional learning.
Literacy Acceleration for Students in Grades Pre-K–5
Research Kansas Reading Initiative (2013/14) Students in Core5 schools showed significantly greater advances in tier status on aimsweb than students in a non-Core5 school with similar demographics to the Core5 schools. The quantity and quality of efficacy research on Core5 is unparalleled, with 20 peer-reviewed and published research studies that meet the standards of evidence required under the Every Student Succeeds Act . Core5 received a "Strong" rating—the highest ranking available—from Evidence for ESSA, and the National Center on Intensive Interventions reported positive effects favoring Lexia users over non-users in all reviewed studies.

As a literacy expert, she knew Lexia® Core5® Reading was the right choice for her school due to its scope and explicit instruction. While many reading programs may be described as research-based, Core5 is research-proven to improve learning outcomes. Core5 is evaluated by using rigorous scientific methods and has been found effective with a variety of populations to help close the literacy gap in as little as 10 weeks.
Who is the publisher of Lexia Core5?
Use of this app requires an active account for Lexia® Core5® Reading. If you do not have a username and password, please contact your school for more information. Our Customer Success team offers 45-minute webinars to support families with their understanding of the student programs, supporting home use, and more. Watch the apple icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Our digital-centric solutions can be used together or individually to meet structured literacy learning needs for any student as well as teachers who support them. This randomized control trial showed that Core5 was more effective than comparable programs in leading to reading growth in students with disabilities. Ever since my kids tried an “online school program” that was really more of a game, I’ve been dubious of computer school programs. I wanted my kids to be out in the world and learning things, but I also recognize they need to know how to use a computer and interact. When this happens, the system still considers their session open, until it logs them off after 20 minutes of inactivity. Core5 calculates and reports usage minutes in myLexia only after students log out or have been automatically logged after a set period of inactivity.
For these children, literacy will continue to present a steeper uphill climb in the absence of targeted instruction and intervention. Follow the login instructions from your child’s school, if provided. Lexia® Core5® Reading is a fun, computer-based program that has helped millions of students improve their literacy skills. For reading my hands down favorite is All About Reading.
Core5 is designated to give support and instruction that helps students when they need it. When students log in to Core5, they'll see their personalized weekly goal on their dashboard. Core5 can be used at home only if your child’s school or district has purchased the program. Progress and performance in the program are reported directly to teachers so that they can provide assistance when needed. Overall Lexia has been a great addition to our homeschool.
Work through an entire unit before moving on to another activity or leaving the program. The green bar at the bottom of the screen will move all the way to the right when the unit is finished. Try to set a schedule that will help your reader reach this target each week. This is the adventures of my family in life and learning.

Coming Soon Lexia® Aspire™ Professional Learning, grounded in the science of reading, is a flexible, self-paced, digital solution that... Skill Builders® to help strengthen and extend newly learned skills. Core5 Buttons Guide will help you understand how the program functions. Paper-and-pencil and hands-on activities are used for practicing and extending skills. Once they’ve gotten a certain number right they get a fun animation that always makes my kids laugh.
Lexia Core5 Reading accelerates the development of fundamental literacy skills for students of all abilities in grades preK-5, helping them make that critical shift from learning to read to reading to learn. Based on performance on a research-validated, adaptive auto-placement, students begin Core5 at the level that's just right for them. From there, Core5 seamlessly adapts with student performance, targets skill gaps as they emerge, and equips educators with the data and instructional resources they need to personalize instruction for every student. In Core5’s three-step adaptive blended learning model, students are motivated by their own success as they follow their own personalized learning paths.
If you’re feeling really unsure about your ability to teach your kids this is a great program because it’s scripted, and gives you just what to say. Your child signs in and they are given several different areas to work on for their level. I’ve noticed my kids tend to pick the easier areas first, but they have to complete every lesson before they can move on. He has a very bad habit of not completely reading the passage and guessing the answer. Make sure you click the Add to Selected Students button so that the students display in the Selected Students list. Research Kansas Reading Initiative (2014/15) Students in Core5 schools showed significantly greater advances in benchmark categories on DIBELS Next than students in non-Core5 schools.
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